Day: 21 June 2024

Daydreams and Detours

When the UNI Verse project launched its second phase, I wasn’t too interested in writing anything,thinking who would be interested in a narration of my routine university experience so far. Yet, I had nochoice but to write. Interestingly, an Instagram post shared by a friend flicked something in my scatteredmind to streamline memories from my first year at university, and I began to realize that university life isquite the rollercoaster. Before delving into reflections, I’ll backtrack a bit. Securing a spot at the University of Colombo waspretty much what I always desired, mainly for wanting to continue to take comfort in the city that hasalways been home. That Instagram post, though - it struck a chord. The post shared by…

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Reflecting on a Transformative Rotaract Year: A Journey of Leadership and Achievement

As the Rotaract year draws to a close, it's a moment of reflection and celebration for the Rotaract Club of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo. Amidst the challenges and triumphs, this year has been particularly memorable for the club, especially for those who took on significant roles in its leadership. In my Rotaract journey, I served not only as a Sergeant-at-Arms but also took on the role of co-director of the Professional Development Avenue. Joining the Rotaract Club in 2022 marked the beginning of a journey filled with opportunities for personal growth and contribution. Over the years, I actively participated in various projects, honing skills in photography, graphic design, team and project management, and fostering discipline among club…

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