Day: 23 June 2024

The Universe of the University of Colombo

University of Colombo was a fever dream. Stepping through those gates knowing anyone but myself was a challenge I quietly yet gradually overcame with time. The first two weeks were the hardest, I am not your typical extrovert who would strike up a conversation with a passers-by, (I’m not, Uvinya. You can sit down) it took me time to settle into the routine, and understand the lectures and meet my clique, I guess. To add to that, I was miles away from home, staying in a random place and the homesickness that takes you over in the first few days, with no homemade meals and just you in a small room you rented is not just lonely, sometimes a little…

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From Fresher to Treasurer: A Year of Friendship, Service & Growth

I started my Rotaract journey when I was in my first year at university. When I got selected for Colombo University, one of my friends who is currently studying there inspired me to join Rotaract. I was so excited to join Rotaract after hearing about his experiences and seeing pictures of him working on Rotaract projects at the University of Colombo's Science Faculty. As the COVID pandemic was there, we had online lectures in the first semester of our first year. However, I used to come to the university for sports practices. So it was a great opportunity for me to engage in physical activities done by the club. My first year at Rotaract was full of joy and excitement.…

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