Month: June 2024

Farewell and Gratitude: Reflecting on Our Community Service Journey

Community Service Reflection: Rtr. Manthini Attygalle, Co-Director During my first year, I was curious about Rotaract. Seeing my friends from other faculties and universities as active members influenced me to join the club. While I was a member, I found myself particularly drawn to community service projects, which resonated with my lifelong passion for helping society. My first physical project was “Supipena Kekulu,"  which we did with a children's home. I was amazed by how our former Community Service Director, Rtr. Buddhimali Parindya, managed the workload so well, even during exams. Watching her juggle all the responsibilities with such grace and dedication was truly inspiring. She showed me what it means to be passionate and committed, even when times are…

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Reflecting on a Remarkable Year: A Farewell from The directors of Professional Development Avenue

As we approach the end of another incredible year, we, the directors of Professional Development Avenue, are filled with a sense of pride and nostalgia. It has been a year marked by growth, achievements, and overcoming challenges, and we are excited to share our reflections and bid you farewell. Achievements and Milestones It all began with the innovative journey of 'Into The Future', exploring the realm of AI Technology and its impact on the future. We then ventured into the realm of professional etiquette and decorum, setting the stage for our successful project 'Writing Clinic 4.0,' which brought tears and smiles that we kept hidden. Collaborating with the Interact Club of Wayamba Royal College, Kurunegala, we unveiled 'Beyond the labels,'…

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Confessions of IS Co-Directors, more like Co-Pilots – A Rollercoaster Ride with Rewards

Let's be honest, being the International Service Co-Director for the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo Faculty of Arts sounds fancy, right? Pictures of jet-setting, international meetings, and hobnobbing with Rotaract rockstars probably come to mind. Well, buckle up, because while there were some seriously awesome moments, it was more like piloting a rickety plane through a cultural storm, sometimes solo as well! Our first project, 'See Well to Be Well', was a project focused on color vision awareness. This was a joint venture with the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo, Faculty of Medicine, and the Rotaract Club of Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan. With the honorable guest speaker, optometrist Mr. Amila Chandrasekara from Vision Care Pvt. Ltd.,…

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Crafting Connections: The Tale of the PR Duo

Want to hear about a boring yet memorable story about two girls who found themselves selected as co-directors of an avenue that they had no clue on how to operate? This might sound extremely uneventful of a read but for us, this story is an important plot twist in our lives that ends with special memories and lessons to treasure for years to come. From not knowing even the basics of editing a photo to getting to handle a Public Relations Avenue for an entire term, we both have come a long way in our journey along the Rotatact memory lane as the two PR directors of the Rotaract Club at Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo. We believe that…

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Thriving Together: Growing our Rotaract Family

As Directors of Membership Development Avenue of the Rotaract Club of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, we reflect with great pride on a very successful year with the dedication and participation of our members. In our efforts, the Rotaract Club has done a great job of promoting membership and contributing to the development of their abilities. This year, we primarily contributed by directing the members toward more opportunities in other avenues and by promoting the "Ambalame Thala" initiative, which is an evening of songs that was a huge success. At the beginning of the year, we played a unique role in bringing new members to the Rotaract society. We worked to educate the new students online for the…

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Guardians of the Green: Rotaract Arts for an Evergreen Future!

As the Directors of the Environmental Services Avenue of the Rotaract Club at Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, we are very proud to reflect on a year packed with impactful projects and dedicated participation from our members. Our efforts have not only enhanced the environment but also fostered a sense of responsibility and community among fellow members. This year, we successfully completed three major projects: Pruthuwi, Sobaru, and Blue Horizon, each leaving a significant mark on our journey toward environmental sustainability. Our year began with Pruthuwi, a planting project in a rural school in Pannipitiya. That was a joint project with community service avenue and this initiative aimed to enhance the green cover in school premises while introducing the importance of environmental…

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