Ashes Over Oscars

Ashes Over Oscars

Ever been in a conversation where everyone’s raving about the latest blockbuster, and you’re just lost? That’s me—every time. Out of the endless list of movies my friends have watched, I’ve probably seen a handful. Maybe none. But while they’re caught up in cinematic universes, I’m busy with something else—something far more thrilling, at least to me.


It’s not just a sport I watch; it’s an obsession. It might surprise many since I’m not exactly athletic, and I certainly don’t play the game. But that does not matter. Walk into my house, and if the TV’s on, there’s a good chance it’s a cricket match. Catch me in a lecture, and there’s an equally good chance I’m sneaking a glance at the score on my phone. While others plan movie nights, I often tend to plan around match schedules. And honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What’s funny is, I was not always like this. As a kid, I could not understand my father’s interest with cricket. It felt like the same thing on repeat—a bowler bowling, a batter batting. It was slow, dull and boring. But then came the 2011 World Cup and I would lazily sit in front of the TV and watch the matches simply because my parents were quite invested in it, and somewhere along the way, the game clicked. Suddenly, it wasn’t boring anymore, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

It’s not just about Sri Lankan cricket either. Sure, I love seeing them win, but I’ve realised I’m more of a cricket lover than just a die-hard fan of one team. This really hit me last August while watching a Test Match between Sri Lanka and England. There was a missed run-out chance, and right in that moment, my mom walked into the room and distracted me. I missed the live action and got a bit annoyed. Sri Lanka was batting, and my mom casually said, “You didn’t miss anything, it’s not a wicket.” That’s when it struck me—my first thought wasn’t relief for Sri Lanka, but, “Oh no, that shouldn’t have been a missed run-out.” (Don’t get me wrong—it’s always great when Sri Lanka wins!)

When it comes to World Cup finals, no matter what else I’ve got going on—I’ll stay up late or wake up at a ridiculously odd hour just to catch the live action. And while I enjoy shorter formats like ODIs and T20s, there’s something about the slow burn of a five-day Test match. If I’ve got the time and nothing else on my plate, I’d happily sit through all five days in front of the TV.

And let’s not forget the commentary! I absolutely love listening to a good commentary and can’t resist tuning in to almost every match England plays, especially when the British commentators take over the commentary box.

So, yeah, I might be totally out of my league when movie conversations start, but honestly? I don’t really mind. Cricket isn’t just something I watch—it’s a full-blown obsession. If that means swapping movie marathons for match highlights and awkward silences when people talk about films, so be it. Who needs the Oscars when you’ve got the Ashes, right?

P.S. Don’t get me wrong though, I do enjoy watching a good movie every now and then, whether it’s a historical period drama or a romantic comedy. Just don’t expect me to know the latest blockbuster, and please don’t hold it against me if I’m out of the loop when it comes to most major movies.

-Rtr. Janani Kumarasiri

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All’s fun and games until Jana actually starts playing cricket

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