‘Crosswords’ by The Editorial: University-Mayhem

Presenting to you, “Crosswords, by the Editorial”! The theme of this week’s crossword is ‘University Mayhem’. So grab a paper and pencil and put on your thinking cap to fill in the boxes. Instructions for entries are stated below.
Good Luck!

4. A popular hangout spot
5. The number of times Rotaract Arts had an installation
7. The Community Service Avenue went here for a project
9. Travelers used to rest here
11. The International Service Avenue had a lot of projects with this country
12. One of the few scenic spots on campus
13. Tharushika’s favorite project
14. Terms at a university
1. This Professional Development avenue related project happened for the third consecutive year this year
2. The newest avenue addition.
3. An ENH course in the first year
6. The Club Service Avenue’s most awaited event
8. Place where the installation took place.
10. Everyone has to drink this at some point in time.
Use the clues to fill in the words above.
Words can go across or down.
Letters are shared when the words intersect.
Drop your answers in the comments section below. We will announce the winner for our first crossword puzzle next Saturday the 20th of May 2023.
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