Day: 4 July 2024

A place of Growth and Experience

Getting enrolled in a university and continuing my higher education was the biggest dream I had when I was schooling, mainly because of external motivation: the norm that you can’t get a proper status in society without a university education. However, as I grew, I became aware of the significance of getting into a university, and mostly a state university, specifically after discovering the subject area in which I excelled. I should say that it was during my time in the AL class that I found my talent and had a greater enthusiasm for my studies. Before that, I was just a hopeless girl who did her education because of the push of her parents. Hence, the University of Colombo…

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Rising through the Ranks: Personal Growth and Learning

Labor Omnia Vincit Hard work conquers all. “Here comes the man of the match. Well done, Induwara.” Oshini Akka, the former club service director, said this in the middle of the ‘Baila Night’ in March 2023. A long time ago, at the start of 2022, SLAM was the first event I participated in under the wave of Rotaract. That day, Abheetha, Savini, Ranosha, and I were the first members to participate in the Rotaract event. Tharushika Akka was the first one I met from the executive board at that time. Honestly, I didn't have any idea what SLAM was. The only thing I knew was that it was a group activity or something along those lines. LOL. The Fresher's Championships…

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