Day: 8 July 2024

Rotaract Arts 23/24 : A Year in Review

“All good things come to an end” or whatever corny thing they said about endings and new beginnings… RotaractArts has seen the end of yet another term and what better way to celebrate if not to revisit the highlights of our year? So, here we go! June As the first project of the year, the co-directors of the Professional Development Avenue conducted the ‘Into the Future’ session, which was organized by Unilever SPARKS of University of Colombo in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo Faculty of Arts and the Career Guidance Unit of the University of Colombo Faculty of Arts. It was held on the 18th of July at university premises and was an informative session…

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The Not-So-Ordinary Universe

“But what if I end up alone? What if no one likes me and cuts me off? I don’t want that. I don’t want to go to uni!” On the contrary, ladies and gentlemen, she did not end up alone. Let me tell you the story of a girl whom we shall name X (I have always wanted a cool name like that—easier to spell). X was your ordinary girl, going through a hundred and one ordinary life crises, dreaming of the ordinary dreams, and hoping she would make it far in her ordinary life. Or at least that is what it seemed like. Like everyone else, she had been fed the routine chant of life getting “easier” once you…

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