Day: 9 July 2024

Painted with Resin, Multicolored Skies Grace the Ambiguous Portrait 

PSA: We had quite the task structuring this article, so two things! One, it ended up being much longer than we anticipated, so we apologize for the long read; it's our last yap session, so please bear with us and two, there were people we each individually wanted to appreciate and some collectively. So, there will be bits that Kusali wrote, bits that I wrote, and bits we wrote together; we’ll let you know who wrote what before each section!  (Sajani talks…) When my mind kept nagging me about having to write this article.. I was truly wondering what to write and how to write it in a way that justifiably encompasses my journey in Rotaract, which is also how…

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State of the Blog: The Parting Words and Insights 

Well, here we are at the end of this journey. Penning (or rather typing) this final article as the co-editors for the Rotaract year 2023-2024 feels surreal. It’s funny how you always know things will come to an end, yet you always find yourself unprepared when they do. We don't want to wax poetic, but it feels like the end of an era. As we present the "State of the Blog," we can’t help but reflect on the journey we've taken together. No more alarms at 12.58 p.m. for those much-needed reminders to share the scheduled articles on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. No more making captions or rushing to get things done while texting each other frantic updates. Each of…

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