Several Milestones and Memories Later

Several Milestones and Memories Later

It still feels like a dream for the both of us to have been appointed as Co-Directors for the Membership Development Avenue in July 2022. We did not have a distinct idea as to how exactly our avenue functions, apart from the fact that we recruit new members for our RotaractArts family. Since our avenue was under the Club Service Avenue, we had a separate set of tasks to accomplish.

The Membership Development Avenue functioned as the backbone of the RotaractArts family. When Dulari akki (the past secretary) introduced our avenue and its list of functions and explained our role of service to uplift the club, her first advice was to increase the number of members of the club through active participation. Both Gethmi (the club president) and Tharushika (the club secretary) told us the same when handing over our duties. As it had become apparent that there was less membership in the Rotaract Arts compared to other clubs, our very first task was to identify the root causes of the prevailing situation. Then, we discovered that there was a misinterpretation within the faculty, which is the ideology that the Rotaract club functions solely in English. Since many Rotaractors are undergraduates who mainly study in English, many were weary of joining the club.

First and foremost,  what we did from our end was proving that this is a false ideology. To do this, in our year we took the initiative to include all three languages in every possible instance as attempts to overcome the existing language barrier. We take much pride in announcing our rapid progress as we managed to break last year’s record! There were about 50 active members when we started, but remarkably, by the end of our year we managed to triple the previous record. Joining hands with the Club Service Avenue, we organized the club picnic, the Installation, the “O’ Santa” Christmas program, “Baila night” and many other projects, which were all great successes as we invested a large group of active members.

As a newly established avenue, we did not conduct projects by ourselves. However, we believe that as Co-Directors, we fulfilled our duties to the best of our ability as we widened  the membership of the club by getting members involved in projects and increasing the rate of active participation of the members while ensuring members had no reason to leave the club. At first, it was quite the challenge for us, but today we enjoy the merits of overcoming all those challenges, and it makes us truly happy to look back at our contribution towards the betterment of the club.

The RotaractArts family has also given us much more in return by opening doors to greater opportunities, helping us build up good friendships and strong social networks, while shaping our soft skills as undergraduates which will undoubtedly facilitate our future endeavors.

We believe that Charitha and Harshi, who have taken up our positions in the Membership Development Avenue for the upcoming year will keep up the good work we’ve started and reach even greater heights by working wholeheartedly with dedication and determination to uplift our Rotaract Club among other clubs.

Blessings for showers of success upon our new directors!

Let challenges come your way; we are sure they will show you the path to victory!

Rtr. Yasal Samarajeewa and Rtr. Anuruddhika Nethsarani,

Co-Directors of Membership Development Avenue

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