Like we aspired to at the beginning of the year, we sometimes followed and sometimes went astray but somehow managed to meet the Wonderful Wizard of Oz! So Goodbye Yellow Brick Road!
State of The Blog: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Like we aspired to at the beginning of the year, we sometimes followed and sometimes went astray but somehow managed to meet the Wonderful Wizard of Oz! So Goodbye Yellow Brick Road!
The year has finally come to a close, and with it, we submit to you the final Month in Review for this Rotaract Year.
A year really went by!! The year where Get(h)me, gets you is actually ending in two days and oh boy the things I can look back into.
As my tenure comes to an end, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've embarked on together. So buckle up and let's dive right in!
Looking back, I think I Joined Rotaract even before selecting my subjects at university. Not that I had a clear idea about the movement, I just wanted to have some fun.
When Gethmi and Tharushika first approached me to take on the position of Treasurer for the Rotaract year 2022-23, I remember feeling terrified.
It's been two years since my duties as the Assistant Secretary started and I already feel nostalgic at the thought of seeing myself letting go of all those responsibilities. But let me put the feats of my Rotaract journey through the wise words of Lucius Seneca: “As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters”. Quantitatively it was a very short period of two years, yet it seems like more if you take the quality it added into my life, because of the experiences I was exposed to. My years at the Rotaract Club and the many events I was lucky enough to participate in taught me many more…
There’s a good chance that this article will end up being a bit all over the place, but it’ll all make sense in the end. I believe this would also reflect what the Rotaract year has looked for me; a bit of a kaleidoscope, messy and all over the place, but in its own way, a cohesive pattern that worked out well. I suppose I ought to start off at the very beginning, my introduction to Rotaract and initial enthusiasm was during the first year when I’d hoped that Rotaract would be an outlet to find likeminded people and hopefully make some friends, despite the constraints of online learning. Ironically however my interest was directed toward an avenue where one…
If one were to hypothesize that a combination of creative individuals who work as a team while supporting each other sincerely, leads to sustainable outcomes, I would look to the RotaractArts’ Editorial team for observations.
For this week’s puzzle all you need is to just tap in to your inner Sri Lankan. Grab a pencil and solve away. Across 4.A place known for its intricate woodwork, and the wood itself was sourced from an abandoned royal audience hall 5.The place of pineapples 6.Tallest self supported structure in South Asia’s 7.One of the peaks of the Hanthana mountain range 10.South Asia’s best natural harbour 12. The place where a son betrayed his father Down 1.The Bridge on the River Kwai 2.An ancient natural landscape named after a monk 3.The Buddha is said to have visited this place 9 months after he was enlightened 8.Baby elephants are in abundance here 9.6th century Christian cross found in Anuradhapura…