Stepping Up: A Year of Fun, Challenges, and Impact

The clearest memory I have of my first days as an undergraduate was signing up for Rotaract and joining the online orientation program of the club. With online learning taking control, apart from attending the university on the day of the placement test, I had no need to step into the university. It was Rotaract that gave me the reason to come to university during the first semester of my first year. Therefore, it’s right to say that my university life would not have been the same if not for Rotaract. . My first year as a Rotaractor enabled me to experience days of endless fun, happiness, and whatnot. We were on a journey, making memories with friends who felt more like family. My first year as a Rotaractor made me realize the joy of volunteering, and I had this urge to do more.
With the first year coming to an end and applications being made open for posts in the club, I was feeling nervous and worried. I did not want to apply for a position. I was not feeling completely confident. However, the group of friends I made at Rotaract made me believe that applying for a position would give me another year of learning and fun-filled adventures, most of all to continue volunteering. With that, I was appointed as one of the assistant secretaries of the club.
With this position, I had responsibilities weighing on my shoulders. It was not as light-weight as the first year. However, with the challenge being taken, I can say that we, the Exco and BOD, did embark on a wonderful journey of fellowship and impact. There was always support and understanding within our community of Rotaractors. Out of all the projects we did, ‘Healing Hearts’ ranks as the project that is closest to my heart. The process of the project, getting ready, and having moments together were indeed very special. This year enabled us to volunteer and serve the community with deeper understanding and responsibility. At the end of this Rotaract year, I would say that I am happy because, as a club, we were able to pursue our volunteering dreams with numerous projects.
While making an impact on society, it is also very important to build on our own identities. I believe that almost all the individuals in our year were able to learn and grow with the opportunities Rotaract opened for us. Rotaract enabled me to recognize my potential and build up the confidence I lacked before. The weight of responsibilities and the need to adhere to one’s duties with great concern were another one of the lessons learnt. This Rotaract year has been an eye-opener for me. I was able to see through people and through myself too.
Taking on such responsibilities and working for a club is not always sweet. This Rotaract year was the same. There were numerous challenges that we had to face while handling the club. However, Rotaract taught us well enough to handle such challenges with precision and understanding. Therefore, I would say that I’ll always be grateful for this year at the club, which made me grow into the person I am today.
With that, if I were to say that my journey as the Assistant Secretary of the club was always good and enjoyable, I would be sugar-coating it. I believe the most honest way to define my year as the Assistant-Secretary of the club is that it was a roller-coaster with a whirlwind of emotions. This rollercoaster of a journey always had its color due to this beautiful community of people who were having fun while doing their thing, and I should say that they did make this year bearable. Looking back at my Rotaract journey, it was indeed one hell of a ride.
With my year coming to an end, I would like to wish the upcoming Exco and BOD all the very best for the upcoming year.
So that’s me, Lihini Jayawardene, and my journey as the Assistant Secretary of the Rotaract Club for the year 2023-2024.
– Rtr. Lihini Jayawardene
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