Day: 5 July 2024

Constellations in My UNIverse

Well, to be honest, I never really dreamed of entering THIS UNIverse until I received my A-Levels results. I just studied and studied and pushed through A-Levels because I wasn’t really sure what else to do with my life. In the dusty corner of my mind, however, I’ve daydreamed about being a rich CEO! (I can see you nodding with a grin, Uvinya). I got the results, and my teacher was like “so why not apply to UoC?” That’s how my dream to enter ‘the UNIverse of University of Colombo’ started. Never did I imagine myself walking through the corridors of the FoA Labyrinth (getting lost sucks to be honest!), but well here I am!  It's not like I don’t…

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Signing Off: Closing Reflections from a Secretary

My Rotaract journey began in 2022, right in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka. We had online lectures, and I was itching to get to university, but there was no way for it. Then, I saw this Rotaract flyer fluttering around like a hopeful butterfly. Thinking it was a great excuse to visit the university, I decided to join the club. I had no clue what Rotaract was about. I was a bit nervous since I knew no one in the club or at the university. But I challenged myself, determined to make it work no matter what. The first friend I made in Rotaract was Manthini. We met while donating books to a community service project.…

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