Category: Blog Series


(Volume 02: Nightmares) It was a nightmare… The things we see when our eyes are closed, We call them "Dreams" I dream, but I'm not a dreamer. I just dream. It didn't feel like a dream,  The darkness I witnessed  Was too realistic. People toasting with  Poisonous champagne,  Serpents creeping leisurely In this scene.  I wanted to scream.  I tried and I cried  To take me out of this world,  Not knowing it's a dream. I saw boogeymen, ghouls  And werewolves. But I was most afraid to see  Humans. Corinthian was looking  Straight at me. There's no Sandman to save me. When it all ended,  I opened my eyes to see  What I woke up into... - Rtr. Inura Dewasinghe

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வாடகை வீடு

அவன் அந்த வீட்டிற்கு குடிபெயர்ந்ததில் இருந்து அங்கு நிகழும் அமானுஷ்யங்களை கண்டு பயந்து கொண்டிருக்கிருக்கிறான். அவன் தனது தொழில் நிமித்தமாக அங்கு குடிபெயர்ந்தான். அவனது காரியாலயத்திற்கு அருகிலும் குறைந்த வாடகையிலும்  கிடைத்ததால் அதை அவன் ஏற்றுக்கொண்டான். அவனுக்கு பேய், பிசாசு ஆகிய விடயங்களில் சற்று கூட நம்பிக்கையில்லை. அவனது பெற்றோர் எவ்வளவோ முறை எடுத்துக்கூறியும் அதற்கு செவிசாய்க்கவில்லை. அவ்வாறே சில மாதங்கள் மாயமாய் மறைந்தன. திடீரென ஒருநாள் அவன் வேலையை முடித்து வீடு திரும்புகையில் அவனது வீட்டு வாசலில் பல காகங்கள் கூட்டமாக இறந்து கிடைப்பதைக் கண்டான். சரியென்று தனது பாக்கை (Bag) உள்ளே வைத்துவிட்டு வெளியே வந்து அவற்றை ஒவ்வொன்றாக அப்புறப்படுத்த தயாரானான். அவற்றையெல்லாம் கஷ்டப்பட்டு அப்புறப்படுத்தி புதைத்து தானும் குளித்து விட்டு அங்குள்ள கதிரையில் ஒய்யாரமாக அமர்ந்து கொண்டான். கதிரையிலேயே உறங்கியும் போனான். சிறிது நேரத்திற்கு பின் சுவர்க்கடிகாரத்தை பார்த்த போது அது பத்து மணியை உரசி நின்றது. அவன் எழுந்து இரவு உணவை தயாரித்து உண்டான். பாத்திரங்களை கழுவி வைக்கும் போது சமையலறையில் இருந்த எல்லா பாத்திரங்களும் கீழே விழுந்தன. அவற்றை பார்த்து பயந்த அவனுக்கு…

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Smiling, Smiling…

I looked around my room. Was it the thunder that woke me up? Was it the sound of the downpour outside? A flash of lightning like the one that illuminated the dark room for a moment? Must have been. Or was it the growing sense of dread that persisted throughout the day? I got up from the bed, sweat soaked linens flung aside. My bare feet touched the cold floor. Cold? No not just cold. Icy. So cold that it felt warm. I got to my feet, aware of my breath misting in front of my face. I had to…go. Yes. I had to go outside. There was something I must see. One step forward, then another, and another. I…

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A Haiku

"Vampires or demons, Who are you most afraid of? No one, but myself." (Haiku, or Haiku poetry, is a traditional genre of poetry originated in Japan. Traditional Haiku consists of three lines and 17 syllables, typically following the syllable count of 5,7,5. The haiku poetry is usually based on observations and realizations of truth.) -Rtr. Inura Dewasinghe

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TW: Mention of cannibalism The setting was simply ideal for an elaborate yet cozy dinner for two. The sweet aroma of a home-cooked meal seeped through the house and its warmth coupled with that of the candlelight spread domesticity. My wife had prepared a dish of a rich steak that was demanding to be devoured. I took a tentative nibble and the flavours burst on my tongue. My wife had once again outdone herself this time. As I stared at her in wonder, her eyes crinkled a little and her lips grew into that familiar smile, a testament to the love that we had shared over the years. I watched as the candlelight danced upon her face, illuminating her expression…

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The Not-So-Ordinary Universe

“But what if I end up alone? What if no one likes me and cuts me off? I don’t want that. I don’t want to go to uni!” On the contrary, ladies and gentlemen, she did not end up alone. Let me tell you the story of a girl whom we shall name X (I have always wanted a cool name like that—easier to spell). X was your ordinary girl, going through a hundred and one ordinary life crises, dreaming of the ordinary dreams, and hoping she would make it far in her ordinary life. Or at least that is what it seemed like. Like everyone else, she had been fed the routine chant of life getting “easier” once you…

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My World in this Universe

I prefer to start this article by saying that university was something I never expected to be a part of my life. As a kid, it was unachievable because I was never a big shot in academics. It seemed way too elusive and unreachable for someone who lacks a proper aim in life and who lacks dedication. But time made me realize that my life is full of surprises, some serious ones I mean and getting selected to Colombo actually proved it. I was surprised by my own self and spent hours thinking, was it a mistake?. Well, i don't think my one year experience at uni is enough to answer that question because, to put it simply, it's like…

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TT’S & BIRDIE’S FATIGUE INDUCED THOUGHTS ON UNI LIFE The 2020ba batch of the Arts faculty here at Colombo University turned out to continue its legacy as the guinea pig batch. For example, we were the first batch to face the renewed A/L syllabus in 2019 and to our misfortune we were the university batch that also had to start our journey at university amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Life has been the personification of Maze Runner with so many trials and tests (LITERALLY!). Nonetheless, life at university has been an eye opener for us twenty-year olds who were getting accustomed from school life to semi-adult life.  Learning how to navigate – both literally (via Google Maps) and figuratively (just emotionally)given that some of…

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Constellations in My UNIverse

Well, to be honest, I never really dreamed of entering THIS UNIverse until I received my A-Levels results. I just studied and studied and pushed through A-Levels because I wasn’t really sure what else to do with my life. In the dusty corner of my mind, however, I’ve daydreamed about being a rich CEO! (I can see you nodding with a grin, Uvinya). I got the results, and my teacher was like “so why not apply to UoC?” That’s how my dream to enter ‘the UNIverse of University of Colombo’ started. Never did I imagine myself walking through the corridors of the FoA Labyrinth (getting lost sucks to be honest!), but well here I am!  It's not like I don’t…

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A place of Growth and Experience

Getting enrolled in a university and continuing my higher education was the biggest dream I had when I was schooling, mainly because of external motivation: the norm that you can’t get a proper status in society without a university education. However, as I grew, I became aware of the significance of getting into a university, and mostly a state university, specifically after discovering the subject area in which I excelled. I should say that it was during my time in the AL class that I found my talent and had a greater enthusiasm for my studies. Before that, I was just a hopeless girl who did her education because of the push of her parents. Hence, the University of Colombo…

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