Rising to Leadership: Embracing the Responsibility as President

Rising to Leadership: Embracing the Responsibility as President

As the second male president in the storied history of Rotaract Arts, I am honored to share my journey with this incredible organization that has profoundly shaped my life and the lives of many others.

When I first joined the Rotaract Club, I was filled with excitement and a desire to make a difference. Little did I know that this decision would lead me to a transformative journey filled with challenges, growth, and unforgettable memories.

In my early days as a member, I quickly learned that Rotaract was more than just a club—it was a family. I was surrounded by passionate, driven individuals who were committed to serving the community and fostering personal and professional growth. This supportive environment encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and take on responsibilities I never thought I could handle.

One of the most significant milestones in my journey was being elected president. This role was both an honor and a tremendous responsibility. Leading such a dynamic group required vision, dedication, and a collaborative spirit. I quickly realized that success in this role was not about individual accolades but about empowering each member to contribute their unique talents and perspectives.

During my period as president, we embarked on numerous projects that addressed pressing community needs. From organizing donations and environmental clean-ups to conducting educational workshops and cultural exchanges, we strived to create a positive impact. Our projects and initiatives were especially aimed at fostering community service, professional development, and cultural exchange. These initiatives not only benefited those we served but also enriched our own lives, teaching us invaluable lessons in leadership, teamwork, and empathy.

Two projects that stand out in my memory are ‘Healing Hearts‘ and ‘Purawara Kathikawatha‘. These initiatives required meticulous planning, coordination, and unwavering commitment from all members. Despite the challenges we faced, seeing the smiles on the faces of those we helped made every effort worthwhile. It was a testament to what we could achieve when we worked together towards a common goal.

Reflecting on my journey, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. The Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo, Faculty of Arts, has been a crucible for personal growth and leadership development. It has given me lifelong friendships, countless learning experiences, and the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes my way.

Overall, my journey as president has been marked by growth, both personally and for the club. I am confident that the incoming leadership will continue to build on our successes and take the club to even greater heights.

Yours in Rotaract,
Rtr. Jehan De Silva 
President 2023/24
Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo Faculty of Arts

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