Tag: Editorial

Aesthetic of the Unfinished

Oftentimes, the indecipherable aesthetic of unfinished art baffles me. With each brush stroke that adorns my canvas, a melancholic numbness engulfs my being; for everytime it finds a new form It's current mien dies with it. I snap photographs, hang them on walls—an innuendo of past lives of an artwork. Taking one glimpse of the "aesthetic of the unfinished", I adorn it with layers of new paint— for you must convey a moral to the world. A twist in my heart: a longing to witness a finished artwork, yet mourning over it's passing miens. What's really an artwork but a graveyard of it's past forms? Rtr. Michelle Perera

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The true sense of love…

Love is a divine sentiment that ties people together in some kind of a passionate bond. And it is a heart-to-heart conversation and connection that exists among people. The affection, care, fondness, and tenderness combined together can be defined as love. It’s a feeling of strong attachment that almost every creature yearns to have at least once in their lifetime. And this love is even powerful enough to decide a person’s progress or downfall. Hence, love is as sweet, precious, and vibrant as spring violets, and it can even be as bitter as a deathly hemlock. The love is sweet or bitter, as per the circumstances. People go through and experience different phases of love throughout their lifetime. Everyone learns…

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To My Grandma With Alzheimer’s

Sipping morning coffee; every day holds the same;Age-old wrinkled eyes pour ceaselessly over the ‘Mirror’;Repeating insignificant words, and phrases;Chanting them like a mantra,Hoping it will stir some fragment of understanding; some clarity.Grasping at straws, struggling to make sense of her world. They were once bright,Beheld her surroundings in all their vivid coloursNow dimmed, fading awayGradually turning faces out of focus, blurring them outLike a camera losing its touch. Her hearing is just as badImagines music in the haunting quietWhispers to the walls, and watches over cold corpses on the bare floor.Some nights, the whispers turn to screamsPanic sets in and pierce the dark with its shrill sharp resonanceUnable to distinguish dreams from reality. Her memory follows her eyesAnd all that’s…

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A Bond that Never Makes you Tired

Love! How would you define this four-letter word? For me, it is the very foundation of our breath, the existence of our lives, and the beauty of our journey. From birth to the point we live our lives, every moment and phase is connected with the concept of love, and I believe that it is the most beautiful human emotion that anyone could get. The very existence of human interactions is created by this, and if you know the actual consequences of love, you’ll surely turn into a beautiful person, as love is such a powerful feeling. When considering the many personas of love, you'll get a handful of them, as it takes all forms, from parental love to being…

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Enduring Love: Echoes Across Time

In the broad fabric of human emotions, there is a timeless composition known as enduring love. Beyond passing fancies, it is an eternal masterpiece, embellished with the grandeur of bygone ages and woven into the fabric of our common human experience. Consider a tale of love that unfolds gracefully, like the pages of a beloved novel. This is the core of enduring love: a symphony of emotions that transcends time. It's the flutter of an unspoken yearning, the closeness of shared secrets, and the exquisite thrill of a single, lingering touch. In a society that moves at dizzying pace, enduring love asks us to slow down and immerse ourselves in the art of genuine connection. Contemplate the tragic love story…

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වෙනස් නොවෙනස් ආදරය

මා දැක නැත ආදරය කියා කිසිවක් දැනුණු ලැබුණු ලැබදුන් හැටියට එය මෙසේ යැයි සිතනෙමි විශ්වාස කරන්න... ඔබ දන්නා ආදරය නොවුවත් මා උගත් ඒ සොච්චමත් ආලය මැ වෙයි සිනහවට කඳුලට ඉපැදුමට මළගමට අප හැමට මං තනන්නා වූ මහා බලගතු ආල මන්ත්‍රය... මුළු හෝඩියත් මදියි ආලෙ ගැන සිතුවම් කරන්නට එයින් නවතිමි මෙතැන් සිට… අමතක නොකර දුටුවොතින් ආල වැඩෙන යමක් තිබෙනු අහුමුල්ලක නො පමාව හදවත බෙදා දෙනුමැන කාට කාටත් පහසු විදියට ආදරය නම් ඒ මැයි... ~Rtr. Hiruni Aththanayake

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කඳුළු සහ මතක

නෙත් අගින් ගිලිහිලා පිටු අතර සැඟවිලාමතක සැමරුම් පොතේපද වැලක් බොඳ කළා සිතුනේ ද එය සෝ කඳුළකැයි කියානැත, නමුත් සිත් තුටු ව ගිය දවස් සිහි‌‌වුණාපිටු අතර ගැවසෙද්දි හමුවේවි දැයි සිතාකඳුළු අතරින් තව ටිකක් එබිකම් කළා ⁣පිටෙන් පිට පිටෙන් පිට එහි තිබූ කවි කතාටිකෙන් ටික ටිකෙන් ටික තනිකමක් ළං කළාමැකී ගිය සෙනෙහෙකම් අද නොමැති බව කියාකඳුළ වියලී මතක පද අතුරුදන් වුණා - Rtr. භාග්‍යා නාරන්පනාව

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"So, Duamma, do you have a boy now?" The question that I had been dreading came up during dinner. Right after Thaththi asked the question, Ammi and Malli, too, expectantly looked up at me. Suddenly, the savoury pasta lost its taste and tasted bland in my mouth. I put down my spoon, took a sip of water and forced a smile as I denied having a "boy". Maybe they tried to hide it, or maybe they intended for me to see it. However, I saw a clear relief in my Thaththi’s eyes and a visible disappointment in Ammi’s. Malli, being who he was, made a disgusted face at me. As I picked up the spoon to eat again, my entire…

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දෑස් අද්දර

"අහේතුක ප්‍රේමයක කතා ලියවෙන්නේ ම ඇස් කොනක් අද්දරක කාට කාටත් හොරැහින්" සියුම් සර තත් පිරිමදින හඬමගේ දෙසවන් සනසවයිමන්ද්‍ර ස්වරයක් නොවේ නුඹෙ හඬළයේ සුසුමක් උපදවයිහිම පියලි සීතලක් ඇවිදින්සිත කොනක ගිනි අවුළුවයිදෑස් අද්දර තවත් දෑසක්මැකී නොමැකී හිනාවෙයි දුර ඈත සිටියාටකවියක්ය නුඹ මිහිරිනින්නාද වන්නේමඑහි පදයහදවතේ සිර මැදිරිනුඹ ලියන කවි පදකඅග්ගිස්සෙ හරි ඉතිරිනවතින්න අවසර දනවත්වා කියවිල්ලමේ හිතැති වදනකට නොපෙරළුණඒ මිහිරි පෙම් කවේරසභාව සැඟවිලාගියාවේ සයිබරේහිමි වෙන්න උරුමයක්තිබේ නම් දෛවයේඑය නුඹම කියාවිදෑස ළඟ හෙට දිනේ Rtr. කවීෂා හංසි

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A Cup of Comfort for Self Love

When I had to write for The Love Gazette I was wondering what to write. The love we experience from family, friends or partners is the purest form of love. But apart from that, it came to me that self-love is also important. I am sure you have heard the saying “You were born a winner because among the millions of cells that contain life, ‘you’ had the chance to see the light of this world. From that moment onwards you have come a long way! A doctor once told me that “we have thousands and thousands of neurons electrifying within half a millisecond to work our commands. We, within ourselves carry the most valued objects; a heart and a…

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