When Gethmi and Tharushika first approached me to take on the position of Treasurer for the Rotaract year 2022-23, I remember feeling terrified.
Beyond the Balance Sheets

When Gethmi and Tharushika first approached me to take on the position of Treasurer for the Rotaract year 2022-23, I remember feeling terrified.
It's been two years since my duties as the Assistant Secretary started and I already feel nostalgic at the thought of seeing myself letting go of all those responsibilities. But let me put the feats of my Rotaract journey through the wise words of Lucius Seneca: “As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters”. Quantitatively it was a very short period of two years, yet it seems like more if you take the quality it added into my life, because of the experiences I was exposed to. My years at the Rotaract Club and the many events I was lucky enough to participate in taught me many more…
There’s a good chance that this article will end up being a bit all over the place, but it’ll all make sense in the end. I believe this would also reflect what the Rotaract year has looked for me; a bit of a kaleidoscope, messy and all over the place, but in its own way, a cohesive pattern that worked out well. I suppose I ought to start off at the very beginning, my introduction to Rotaract and initial enthusiasm was during the first year when I’d hoped that Rotaract would be an outlet to find likeminded people and hopefully make some friends, despite the constraints of online learning. Ironically however my interest was directed toward an avenue where one…
If one were to hypothesize that a combination of creative individuals who work as a team while supporting each other sincerely, leads to sustainable outcomes, I would look to the RotaractArts’ Editorial team for observations.
As these words of mine mark the end of my tenure as the Sergeant-at- Arms, a role that I had the honour and privilege of serving in, I am filled with a mix of emotions—gratitude, pride, and a hint of melancholy to bid farewell to this remarkable chapter of my life.
I have always wanted to make an impact on the society but being chosen as the Community Service Avenue Director was something I never expected. I still remember how overjoyed I was when Gethmi and Tharushika asked me whether I was able to take on the role and I am grateful for them for believing in me to handle such a position. I was a Rotaractor by then and had been the chair of only one project; “Let’s Talk Periods” and I still remember how the past Director of the Community Service Avenue Rtr. Sithmi Edirisinghe encouraged and guided me in handling it. As a warm, kind hearted and a very committed person, she taught me many valuable things throughout…
Becoming a Rotaractor was me making a choice at a crossroads. I was leaving behind my long Toastmasters journey and choosing what to do with my life.
The experiences we had gained by engaging in the previous projects had made us confident enough to take up the challenge of being the new Co- Directors, despite being in the junior batch.
Every beginning eventually comes to an end, no matter how sweet the journey. For me, being a Rotaractor and holding the position of the Director of the Professional Development Avenue enabled me to show a different side of me.
It still feels like a dream for the both of us to have been appointed as Co-Directors for the Membership Development Avenue in July 2022.