Category: Blog Series

වෙනස් නොවෙනස් ආදරය

මා දැක නැත ආදරය කියා කිසිවක් දැනුණු ලැබුණු ලැබදුන් හැටියට එය මෙසේ යැයි සිතනෙමි විශ්වාස කරන්න... ඔබ දන්නා ආදරය නොවුවත් මා උගත් ඒ සොච්චමත් ආලය මැ වෙයි සිනහවට කඳුලට ඉපැදුමට මළගමට අප හැමට මං තනන්නා වූ මහා බලගතු ආල මන්ත්‍රය... මුළු හෝඩියත් මදියි ආලෙ ගැන සිතුවම් කරන්නට එයින් නවතිමි මෙතැන් සිට… අමතක නොකර දුටුවොතින් ආල වැඩෙන යමක් තිබෙනු අහුමුල්ලක නො පමාව හදවත බෙදා දෙනුමැන කාට කාටත් පහසු විදියට ආදරය නම් ඒ මැයි... ~Rtr. Hiruni Aththanayake

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කඳුළු සහ මතක

නෙත් අගින් ගිලිහිලා පිටු අතර සැඟවිලාමතක සැමරුම් පොතේපද වැලක් බොඳ කළා සිතුනේ ද එය සෝ කඳුළකැයි කියානැත, නමුත් සිත් තුටු ව ගිය දවස් සිහි‌‌වුණාපිටු අතර ගැවසෙද්දි හමුවේවි දැයි සිතාකඳුළු අතරින් තව ටිකක් එබිකම් කළා ⁣පිටෙන් පිට පිටෙන් පිට එහි තිබූ කවි කතාටිකෙන් ටික ටිකෙන් ටික තනිකමක් ළං කළාමැකී ගිය සෙනෙහෙකම් අද නොමැති බව කියාකඳුළ වියලී මතක පද අතුරුදන් වුණා - Rtr. භාග්‍යා නාරන්පනාව

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"So, Duamma, do you have a boy now?" The question that I had been dreading came up during dinner. Right after Thaththi asked the question, Ammi and Malli, too, expectantly looked up at me. Suddenly, the savoury pasta lost its taste and tasted bland in my mouth. I put down my spoon, took a sip of water and forced a smile as I denied having a "boy". Maybe they tried to hide it, or maybe they intended for me to see it. However, I saw a clear relief in my Thaththi’s eyes and a visible disappointment in Ammi’s. Malli, being who he was, made a disgusted face at me. As I picked up the spoon to eat again, my entire…

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දෑස් අද්දර

"අහේතුක ප්‍රේමයක කතා ලියවෙන්නේ ම ඇස් කොනක් අද්දරක කාට කාටත් හොරැහින්" සියුම් සර තත් පිරිමදින හඬමගේ දෙසවන් සනසවයිමන්ද්‍ර ස්වරයක් නොවේ නුඹෙ හඬළයේ සුසුමක් උපදවයිහිම පියලි සීතලක් ඇවිදින්සිත කොනක ගිනි අවුළුවයිදෑස් අද්දර තවත් දෑසක්මැකී නොමැකී හිනාවෙයි දුර ඈත සිටියාටකවියක්ය නුඹ මිහිරිනින්නාද වන්නේමඑහි පදයහදවතේ සිර මැදිරිනුඹ ලියන කවි පදකඅග්ගිස්සෙ හරි ඉතිරිනවතින්න අවසර දනවත්වා කියවිල්ලමේ හිතැති වදනකට නොපෙරළුණඒ මිහිරි පෙම් කවේරසභාව සැඟවිලාගියාවේ සයිබරේහිමි වෙන්න උරුමයක්තිබේ නම් දෛවයේඑය නුඹම කියාවිදෑස ළඟ හෙට දිනේ Rtr. කවීෂා හංසි

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A Cup of Comfort for Self Love

When I had to write for The Love Gazette I was wondering what to write. The love we experience from family, friends or partners is the purest form of love. But apart from that, it came to me that self-love is also important. I am sure you have heard the saying “You were born a winner because among the millions of cells that contain life, ‘you’ had the chance to see the light of this world. From that moment onwards you have come a long way! A doctor once told me that “we have thousands and thousands of neurons electrifying within half a millisecond to work our commands. We, within ourselves carry the most valued objects; a heart and a…

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My parents say I was a pretty babyPeople had turned back and staredPraised them for making;A beautiful baby girl Soon School turned the praise to tauntsAnd Home turned the taunts to cracksI get the smell of zinca familiar metallic taste The blood dries on a crumpled tissueI drop the blade I used.I carry abandoned cities in my ribsAbused borders on my thighs I look at myself in the mirrorI’ve turned my face into a riotMy hands are a civil warIn between my knuckles are small coloniesAs rich in culture that castes me out I hold myself at night as I rock myself to sleepTelling myself no man will love me.After all, what man wants to lie in bed and watch…

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Sibling Bond

The Codex in my handOpened yet untouchedWhat a Knight I amSlacking off…But Sister knows better-"A-ya why don't you call it a day?"Sat down at the tavern,Waiting for the usual,"Boss, one fine Dandelion wine!"Ignoring me as usual…"Do Knights have time to come and idle here?"Oh Brother, cold as ever,Does this agonising heart not deserve a little flatter?Thousand words uttered for the worst or the better,But two kept hidden inside this empty vessel.Alas! the fiery rage has blinded you forever.Don't you see that,I'm a man,But a boy with a stutter. - Rtr. Chamodi Peduruarachchi

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University – a major reality check!

If I sum up my life at the University so far, I would say it has been a roller-coaster ride.   But was the struggle worth it? YES!  Talking about university life for many would be about academics, extracurricular activities, and friends; however, when I look back at my journey so far, all I can think of are the life lessons it taught me. It’s not wrong to say that more than academics, University was more of a reality check.  Joining the lectures online for an entire year, our batch didn’t get to meet each other for so long. Therefore, it’s safe to say the first year went comparatively smoothly. Then came the on-site lectures, getting up early to catch the…

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எனது நாட்குறிப்பின் ஒரு பக்கம்…

புத்தகம் வாசிப்பது என்றால் யாருக்கு தான் புடிக்காது, அதிலும் பல அடுக்கு மாடிகளைக் கொண்டு அழகாக நேர்த்தியாக அமைந்திருக்கும் ஒரு நூலகத்தில் போய் அமர்ந்து புத்தகங்களை வாசிப்பதற்கு ஈடாக என்ன மகிழ்ச்சி இந்த உலகில் இருந்து விட போகிறது... புத்தகம் வாசிக்க கொழும்பு பல்கலைக்கழக நூலகத்திற்கு நண்பியுடன் சென்ற வேளை ஒரு வேடிக்கையான அனுபவம் கிடைத்தது அந்த அனுபவத்தை உங்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிறேன். அன்று விரிவுரைகள் முடிந்து நானும் எனது சக தோழிகளும் வெட்டி பேச்சு பேசியவர்களாக வந்து கொண்டிருந்தோம். வந்து கொண்டிருந்த வேளை எதேர்ச்சையாக என் கண்கள் நூலகம் நோக்கி விழ அன்று புவியியல் பாட விரிவுரையாளர் கூறிய ஒரு அறிவுறை சட்டென என் மனதை தட்டி சென்றது. அவர் கூறியதெல்லாம் கொழும்பு பல்கலைக்கழகத்திற்கான ஒரு பெரிய வளம் இந்த நூலகம் அதனை பயன்படுத்தி நீங்கள் உங்கள் அறிவை விருத்தி செய்யவில்லையெனின் நீங்கள் இந்த பல்கலைக்கழகத்திற்கு வருகை தந்து இருக்கும் வெறும் பார்வையாளர்களே... உடனே ஒரு உதிப்பு என் மனதில் தோன்ற இது தான் சந்தர்ப்பம் இன்று சரி நூலகத்திற்கு போய் அமர்ந்து புத்தகங்களை வாசித்து, தேவையான புத்தகங்களை…

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